How do we hold the paradoxical tension of opposites to receive the Gnosis that is the birthright of each of us at this moment between chaos and transformation?

Originally presented for the Monterey Friends of CG Jung in June 2024, I consider this question and explore the meaning of Gnosis in the Individuation journey and its relationship to the psychoid realm (known as the subtle body) as it expresses itself through dreams, visions, imagination, and art.

At this Kairos moment between worlds, I invite you to watch this online presentation to explore the map of the Tree of Life, and how it links above and below to the inner and outer worlds.

Reclaiming Soul spiral icon in gold

Would You Like to Explore How the Kabbalistic Tree of Life May Be Applied to Your Life?

Contact Me to set up a Free Discovery Call, and learn how Jungian Depth Psychotherapy & Coaching, along with Dream Analysis, Tarot,  and Astrology may help you on your journey to find relief from suffering.

Let’s work together to find solutions around obstacles that are blocking your path to fulfillment and purpose.

Monterey Friends of CG Jung is a group of people dedicated to creating a broader and deeper appreciation for how Carl Jung’s Depth Psychology can enrich the purpose and meaning of life.

Their specific purpose is to meet as a group of people who share an enthusiasm for the philosophy and practices of analytical psychology created by C.G. Jung. Their meetings include lectures, workshops, seminars, and other programs.

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