The Hermetic Tree of Life is a mandala and visual map offering a glimpse into the alchemical processes that illuminate C.G. Jung’s Individuation processes.
Originally presented for the Monterey Friends of CG Jung in June 2021, this presentation explores correspondences via the Sephiroth on the Tree and the Azoth with an emphasis on the astrological and elemental correspondences they represent. With the aid of image and symbol, I follow the winged feet of Mercurius into the mysteries of transformation from Spirit into Matter.
The 17th century alchemical diagrams of the Azoth such as that of Basil Valentine’s depicts these transmutations in alchemy via Mercurius, the animating spirit hidden in matter.
Joining these two systems enables a multidimensional view into its heart linking cosmos, psyche and matter through the journey from prima materia to philosopher’s stone.

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Monterey Friends of CG Jung is a group of people dedicated to creating a broader and deeper appreciation for how Carl Jung’s Depth Psychology can enrich the purpose and meaning of life.
Their specific purpose is to meet as a group of people who share an enthusiasm for the philosophy and practices of analytical psychology created by C.G. Jung. Their meetings include lectures, workshops, seminars, and other programs.
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