The Dance of Mercurius – Alchemy, Jung, and the Hermetic Tree of Life

The Dance of Mercurius – Alchemy, Jung, and the Hermetic Tree of Life

The following essay explores the Kabbalistic Tree of Life as seen through an intersection of its Hermetic aspect, Jung’s alchemical psychology, and the fluid dance of Mercurius as transformer and transformed. This androgynous messenger is the beginning and the end of the Great Work of alchemy whose goal is conveying Spirit into Matter.

Alchemy, Gnosis, and the Subtle Body: Navigating the In-between with Eva Rider

Alchemy, Gnosis, and the Subtle Body: Navigating the In-between with Eva Rider

How do we hold the paradoxical tension of opposites to receive the Gnosis that is the birthright of each of us at this moment between chaos and transformation? At this Kairos moment between worlds, we will explore the meaning of Gnosis in the Individuation journey and its relationship to the psychoid realm known as the subtle body as it expresses itself through dreams, visions, imagination, and art. Join me in an exploration through the map of the Tree of Life linking above and below to the inner and outer worlds.